Tribal Authorities
Like every iwi, Tūhoe is structured through whānau, hapū, marae and rohe. When making decisions that reflect a collective Tūhoe Iwi view or position, it’s here that Tūhoe has organized its Tribal boundary into 4 rohe communities.
The 4 rohe are;
Te Waimana |
Waikaremoana |
Within each rohe, Tūhoe has in place, “Tūhoe Tribal Executive Committees” also referred to as Tūhoe Tribals or Taraipara. These Committees have been in place for the last 50 years and to this day continues to provide the basis for progressing marae hapū, rohe aims and aspirations. It is through these Committees that the collective voice of marae and hapū of Tūhoe is known, shaping the support and direction for their rohe, culminating in a collective Tūhoe position.
From an Iwi Spatial planning perspective, the Tūhoe Tribals plays a very pivotal role in determing the priorities for Te Uru Taumatua. On the ground and through the marae hapū of their rohe, the Tribals sets the development priorities for their rohe, including the infrastructure to implement, deliver and monitor the outcomes for their Communities.
The Tūhoe Tribals are non – registered entities and are currently reviewing their capacity and capability to meet the current and futures needs of their communities. By 2015, you will see a more effective collection of Tūhoe Tribals in action.
The Role of the Tribals
The role of the Tūhoe Tribals can be described as;
The formal body to debate, determine, support, promote, implement, report and consolidate marae, hapū participation and approach in responding to the needs of its communities consistent with Tūhoetana values.
The collective voice of the marae hapū in their respective communities, therefore the direct contact corridor for Te Uru Taumatua for any kaupapa that need hapū and Tribal endorsement.
As the contact point for all external stakeholders, for any matter that may or may not effect their Community.
The forum that facilitates the promotion, retention and transmission of Tūhoe Reo and Tikanga, in their rohe.
Tūhoe Tribals in Operation
Each Tūhoe Tribal meets monthly. The Tribal is made up two delegates from each of the Marae in their rohe. It is the hapū that appoints their delegates to sit at the Tribal forums. While the Tūhoe Tribals reflects a collective view, it does not supersede or assume the authority and mana of the hapū and marae within their rohe. It’s merely a platform that promotes, Tūhoe values and customs that brings “kotahitanga” into effect, with a passion to drive, facilitate, advocate, consolidate, and unify its collective efforts for the betterment of their respective rohe. Regardless it is recognized as the Governing Body in each rohe. Each Tūhoe Tribal has a Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and are appointed by its Delegates, for a term of 3 years.