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Who are the Tribals

Welcome to Tūhoe Manawarū Tribal
Tūhoe Manawarū Tribal

Acting on behalf of it's marae members the Tūhoe Manawarū tribal authority represents the interests of whānau from Ngāputahi, Pāpueru, Te Umuroa, Ōpūtao, Kākānui, Ōtekura, Tātāhoata, Te Wai-iti, Uwhiārae, Mātaatua and Ōhaua o te Rangi.

Our history

Tūhoe Manawarū Māori Executive, also known informally as the Ruatāhuna Tribal Authority is one of the four Tūhoe tribal authorities in Te Urewera. The executive represents the whānau that whakapapa to the marae and hapū of Ngāpūtahi, and Ruatāhuna.

First established under the New Zealand Māori Council in the 1970s, the Manawarū Executive was formally part of the Waiariki branch before launching independently for the past 35 years. The committee has continued to use its existing structure for its own purposes, which has worked well for Ruatāhuna.

The executive meets regularly on the first Sunday of every month and the membership comprises of two delegates from each of the 11 marae or hapū in Ruatāhuna. In addition to the marae reports that are tabled, the executive receives updates from local organisations such as Te Wharekura o Huiarau, the roopu ranatahi, the Ruatāhuna Farm Trust, Te Tuawhenua Trust and Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua.

The current tribal officers are:

Alice Te Kurapa

General Manager 

Wena Morehu

Finance Assistant

Mereru Beale

Infrastructure kaimahi

Tiare Te Kura

Te Tira Ahurea Coordinator

Rawiri Teka

Communications Coordinator

Rangimaria Te Kura

Reception and Admin Support

Jennie Apirana

Whanau Support Worker

Jeff Apirana

SMP coordinator

Sheila Ahuriri

Recycle Coordinator

Halyma Soloman

Practice Assistant

Ruhia Temara

Hauora Coordinator

Te Kirihou Teka

Hauora Admin & HCA trainee

Johnnie Rawiri


You can contact your tribal office during weekdays, from Monday to Friday between 8.30am - 3pm 

Call us: 07 366 3228 - Option 1

Email us:

Visit us: 5906 Ruatāhuna Road, Ruātahuna

Post to us: 5906 Ruātahuna Road, Ruātahuna 


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