The chair of Te Urewera Board says Ngai Tuhoe is keen to get a wide range of views as it plots out a management plan for the former national park and surrounding land.
The , which includes both Tuhoe and Crown representatives, have released a draft framework Te Kawa o Te Urewera and asked for submissions on what its priorities should be.
Tamati Kruger says the iwi has had a long time to think about what it would do if it regained control of the wilderness in the eastern bay of Plenty,
It also acknowledged there other people who are inspired by the whenua as much as it is and want to contribute.
"There are people that know more than us around trout and rocks and trees and pest control and we'd like to work with those people for the betterment of Te Urewera," he says.
Tamati Kruger says submissions on the priorities need to be in by February, and the will then consult further with stakeholders.