Crown returns flag to Ngai Tuhoe
About 2000 people gathered in Taneatua today to hear the formal apology from Treaty Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson, as agreed in its settlement. Mr Finlayson apologised to the iwi for the injustices, indiscriminate raupatu and wrongful killings of their ancestors. To help restore those injustices, the Minister returned a flag which flew at the sacred settlement of Maungapohatu in 1916, and was taken by the Crown as evidence Tuhoe...
Minister apologises to Tuhoe for 'wrongful killings'
Members of the Tuhoe iwi have been told that historic Treaty breaches included indiscriminate land confiscation, wrongful killings including executions and years of scorched earth warfare. Tuhoe today hosted the Crown at a 'Settlement Day' ceremony in the tiny town of Taneatua to celebrate the recent passage of Tuhoe Treaty settlement legislation. Several thousand members of the eastern Bay of Plenty iwi joined Crown...
Crown sorry for Tuhoe treatment
Taane Rakuraku grew up surrounded by the Urewera mountains and immersed in stories of the Crown's misdeeds against his people. Today, the Tuhoe kaumatua will be among the thousands expected to turn out to hear Treaty Negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson apologise for those wrongs - part of the iwi's Treaty of Waitangi settlement which also resulted in redress worth $170 million last month. The apology covers Crown actions, described...
Treasures returned to Tuhoe in settlement ceremony
A symbolic koikoi (sharpened stick) given to the Hon Michael Cullen by Tame Iti to help negotiations between Tuhoe and the Crown has been returned to Tuhoe. In Taneatua to deliver the Crown's formal apology to Tuhoe at a settlement ceremony today, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson, gave the koikoi back to Mr Iti saying it had done its job. 'I understand Tame said the koikoi should be returned when a...
Tūhoe turn out in force for Crown apology
Hundreds have turned out to take part in the historical gathering of Tūhoe in Taneatua to hear the apology delivered by the Crown as part of the iwi settlement. Minister of Treaty Settlements Chris Finlayson is delivering the apology now on behalf of the Government outside Te Kura Whare. In his speech Finlayson is addressing the wrong doing of the Crown towards Tūhoe from as far back as the 1800's to the present day. He is outlining...
Tūhoe will converge in Taneatua today to hear the Crown apology to their people delivered by Minister of Treaty Settlements Chris Finlayson as part of the Tūhoe and Crown settlement. Te Uru Taumatua and the grounds surrounding Te Kura Whare will host the historical event and last minute preparations are underway before the Pōhiri, which is set to take place at 9am. The Minister is expected to make the apology at 11:30 which will address at...