The Museum was approached by the Minister for Treaty Negotiations, on behalf of Tūhoe, to request the return of the Maungapōhatu flag. The Maungapōhatu flag was returned to Tūhoe on Friday 22 August, as part of the Tūhoe-Crown Settlement ceremony. The Museum, and the Taumata-ā-Iwi, supported its return, and are pleased to have played a part in the reconciliation. It represents the Museums’ commitment to addressing historic ownership...
Tuhoe whenua Tuhoe tangata Te mana motuhake o Tuhoe Mihi mai, whakatau mai (Tuhoe land Tuhoe people The special mana of Tuhoe Greet(us) Welcome (us)) Te reo Maori has many wonderful sayings, for example: "Whaia te iti kahurangi ki te tuohu koe Me he maunga teitei" Translated, I believe it means: "Persue the treasures of your heart If you should stoop let it be to a lofty mountain." Today we bow to your sacred...
Anei ngā kupu a Tāmati Kruger, te kaikōrero a Tūhoe i whakautu atu i te whakapāha a te Karauna. E whai muri aroha ake ana I ngā maioha a te tohunga. A taku pae kōrero; tēna tātau katoa. Nau mai, haere mai, whakapiri mai ki tēnei te rā whakatau a te karauna me Tūhoe, i a rāua riri whakauaua, i a rāua riri whakawehewehe o nehe. He rā hau māuiui, he rā mokopuna tēnei. He rangi hai whakapiki mana mō tātau, he rangi hai...
Crown makes historic apology to Tuhoe
The Crown has delivered its long-awaited apology to Tuhoe for historic grievances dubbed among the worst in New Zealand's history. Thousands of people including Tuhoe from across the country, former prime minister Jim Bolger, Police Commissioner Mike Bush and MPs from across the spectrum were in Taneatua in the Bay of Plenty for the event today. It follows last month's Treaty of Waitangi settlement between the iwi and the Crown. As...
The Tūhoe settlement has taken years of negotiation. In 2010, it came to a halt when Prime Minister John Key ruled out giving Tūhoe ownership of Te Urewera. Tūhoe did not sign the Treaty of Waitangi but were subjected to harsh Crown policies. Today, the Crown apologised for those wrongs. In Tuhoe's $170 million settlement, apart from an apology and Tūhoe autonomy, Te Urewera National Park will become a new...
The people of Tuhoe have accepted an apology from the Crown for killing their ancestors and brutally taking their land, but say they will never forget what happened. It follows the signing of a $170 million Treaty of Waitangi settlement last month. Chris Finlayson delivers the Crown apology. Photo: RNZ The party representing the Crown was welcomed into the Tuhoe heartland at Taneatua, south of Whakatane in Eastern Bay of Plenty,...