Final reading for Tuhoe settlement
The third and final reading of the Tuhoe-Te Urewera Settlement Bill will occur in Parliament tomorrow. From 9am till 11am, Te Uru Taumatua will screen a live online feed at Te Kura Whare, in...
Tuhoe and deerstalkers reach agreement
The Tūhoe Treaty settlement has sparked a new relationship between the tribe and hunters. The Crown package for the iwi will this week have its third and final reading in the House. Negotiations have included discussions with the Deerstalkers Association, confirming hunters can still set their sights on animals in Te Urewera, a deal the Department of Conservation would not acknowledge in the...
Tuhoe Bill reading an historic event
The third reading of the Tuhoe-Te Urewera Settlement Bill is confirmed for Thursday. Tuhoe representatives expect this final step will culminiate with the Crown's Apology set for mid-August, this...
Peter calls on Parliament to make amends
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters says Parliament must make amends following a High Court decision that a Maori Land Court judge prevented two iwi from being heard by the tribunal when that judge did not have the jurisdiction to do...
The High Court has ruled the decision of a judge acting alone to decline urgent Waitangi Tribunal hearing applications lodged by Te Upokorehe and Ngati Ruapani to be...
Concern is growing around the Tuhoe Te Urewera Settlment Bill's removal of property rights for descendants of the original Lake Waikaremoana owners. These descendants welcomed the NZ First vote against the Te Urewera-Tuhoe Settlement Bill in Parliamant...